Tawona Pearson,LISW LCSW-C
Life purpose teacher | Work trauma healer
relationship intuitive
Zenful life Purpose.com
"I empower overly-cautious, indecisive career seekers to unlearn the need for certainty + honor being good enough and find the courage to follow through on their life’s work"
"I help relationship seekers to learn the real reason they've been single or attracting the same kind of painful relationships by seeing the emotional programming creating the patterns and then undoing them
Types of Counseling and Coaching​
Non-Diagnostic Spiritual + Process Counseling and Coaching
Non-Clinical Supervision for healers, teachers etc.
Intuitive Energy Clearing
Shamanic Journeying
Journey and Subscription Prices
short-term solution for less involved challenges
monthly subscription of 4 - (45 min.) sessions = $603 a month
long-term solution for deeper challenges
Journey - 9 - (60 min.) sessions = 1 history assessment + therapeutic listening + 3 metaphysical healings + weekly email session review
email check in's = contact for info
holistic healing services (NO COUNSELING OR COACHING)
Virtual Reiki energy healing = $103
Virtual Shamanic Journey = $103